Simply Eliquid – Droylsden Shop


401 Manchester Rd, Droylsden, Manchester M43 6QF, UK


+44 161 637 5270

Opening Hours:

Monday – Friday – 9am to 6pm
Saturday – 9am to 6pm
Sunday – 10am to 5pm

Droylsden Eliquid & Vape Shop

One popular reason for buying an ecigarette is for it to serve as a quitting aid for smoking in an attempt to ditch the cigs forever. And it’s proven to be a very successful method for a lot of people over the years.But, naturally, there are some who will still struggle with quitting – no surprise since nicotine is so addictive. And while vaping may have helped them cut down, they suddenly find themselves smoking cigarettes once again.

So what can be done? Firstly, make sure that you’ve bought the right ecigarette for you, one that properly satisfies your cravings without leaving you wanting more. Not all ecigs are created equally and the wrong device could see you revert back to your cigarette-smoking ways if you’re not careful.

Having a spare ecig is a good idea as well, since you don’t want to be caught out by a flat battery when a craving hits.

Talking to an experienced and reputable retailer is also a wise move because it can be quite confusing and even overwhelming when faced with all the technology that you’ve never come across before.

Come and see us at our Droylsden store and we’ll be able to talk you through the process of buying and using your new ecigarette. The manager there is Kelsey who has been with us for five years, impressing customers in all that time with her knowledge of ecigs and liquids. She can advise you on which kit would best suit you if you’re looking to quit cigs for good.

And, of course, staying motivated is a must and even with your ecig you’ll likely find it hard to quit cigarettes altogether. It can take a bit of time to get used to vaping and you’ll need a certain amount of willpower to stop you from reverting back to old unhealthy habits.

E liquid Similar to disposable Flavours.