Make New Year Resolution To Switch To E-Cigarettes For 2018

April 29, 2022 3 min read

With 2017 slowly coming to a close, it is yet another time we will be making New Year resolutions. December the 31st has always been the best time of the year for everyone, with many using this time to reflect back on the achievements for the past year, and even prepare for a brighter year ahead.  If giving up smoking has always been part of your New Year resolutions for the past years, maybe it is time to try something different.

Making the switch from traditional cigarettes to electronic cigarettes could be the best decision you made in a long time. E-cigarettes with e-liquid provide the same level of satisfaction (and even more) you get from tobacco cigarettes, only that it is much safer, affordable, and tobacco-free. Vaping (using an e-cig) gives you a chance to stay away from the dozens of harmful chemicals that come with cigarette smoking. Discussed below are 4 reasons why you need to make the switch.


Picture of the benefits of switching to ecigs

1. Living Healthy

You can proudly make that toast to a new year knowing you will never need to light up a cigarette again.  While an electronic cigarette eliminates many of the toxic compounds found in tobacco, it also creates an avenue for one to quit smoking altogether. E-cigarettes are particularly essential for the chain smoker who needs to smoke at least 2 packets of cigarettes every day. The e-cig not only reduces your exposure to toxic compounds and tar but also eliminates secondary smoking. You can therefore vape in the presence of other family members without risking their lives.

In addition to eliminating the toxic compounds, the tobacco smell that lingers on every smoker's clothes will start fading off. No one will be able to tell you are a smoker unless they see you vaping. In addition to this, your oral health will be greatly improved considering you won't be inhaling smoke anymore. Tar or smoke tainted teeth will be a thing of the past in your life after making the switch.

2. Live Green

Electronic cigarettes are considerably more environment-friendly as compared to tobacco cigarettes. Unlike traditional cigarettes that produce dozens of toxic compounds, gasses, ash, and filters, the only by-product of vaping is water vapor. In addition to this, electronic cigarettes are reusable, meaning you don’t need to toss it in the garbage bin once done. If you've ever been in a chain-smokers house, the first thing you'll notice apart from the tobacco stench are cigarette butts.  According to research, cigarette butts have an almost similar effect on the environment as polythene bags. Cigarette butts, therefore, have a significant impact on natural resources and habitats such as lakes, streams, and rivers.

3. Living Rich

Although most smokers do not realize this, traditional cigarettes take up, up to 40% of their income. This is particularly evident to a chain-smoker who has to smoke more than two packets of these cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes, on the other hand, are quite cheap and affordable. While the starter pack may seem expensive for a first-timer, you will be saving much more money in the long run. A single e-cigarette cartridge contains nicotine that can last you up to a month. After acquiring the starter pack, all you will need is have the cartridge refilled, and keep the device charged up. Aside from the direct expenses, you will also be saving a lot more money in medical bills.

4. Living Free

By making the switch, you get to live a cleaner, simplified, and healthy life, even with the way you vape. You will no longer have to look for designated 'smoking zones' not worry about finding an ashtray in the house. In addition to this, you never have to ask for a lighter, or worry about getting a pack of cigarettes in the middle of the night. Electronic cigarettes have all these covered, leaving you to enjoy life as it is.  Another added advantage of making the switch is that; you can have/enjoy various flavors with each refill, or for the specific occasion.

Gone will be the days when you had to look for a hidden spot to take a puff, simply because you didn’t want your loved ones to be secondary smokers. Never again will the tobacco stench follow you everywhere.

The New Year gives you a chance to take control of your life once again. Giving up any bad habits and embracing positive ones is the way to a perfect life. Electronic cigarettes can help you achieve this by eliminating the need for the harmful traditional cigarettes, and even protect your lungs. You also get to throw in your two pence in taking care of the environment.